Rules and Regulations

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RULES & REGULATIONS – Please read before submitting.

We are so excited that you are considering joining the  International Christian Film & Music Festival.  Our goal is to help filmmakers get to next level.  We want to see more content with Christian values on television and the theaters and our goal is to help you get there.  We want to give you, your company, and your projects the most exposure that we can but there are a few rules before submitting.  If rules are broken, you will be automatically disqualified and will have to resubmit your video(s).  You also give us full permission to download a digital copy of your video as well as playing it during the festival week via projector.  Some prizes will be granted based on the number of entries, donations and sponsors received.  ICFF reserves the right to reject any submissions.

> No refund
> No nudity or sexuality explicit scenes
> No offensive language
> Strong violence is prohibited
> Must be uplifting and/or carries Christian values

> Must be Family Friendly (Dove Guidelines)
> No horror films
> Must be no longer or shorter then    required length per category

